Cybersecurity Framework Proficiency:

Strategic Planning (Identify):

Expert in developing strategic cybersecurity plans, identifying potential threats, and
ensuring proactive threat prevention.

Security Controls Implementation (Protect):

Demonstrated proficiency in implementing advanced security controls, including multi-
factor authentication, identity lifecycle management, network security systems, and
centralized configuration management.

Monitoring and Threat Detection (Detect):

Established comprehensive monitoring strategies to proactively identify and counteract
threats, ensuring continuous threat detection.

Incident Recovery Planning (Respond and Recover):

Specialized in crafting incident recovery plans for quick response and recovery,
minimizing downtime and ensuring operational continuity.

Subject Matter Expertise (Govern):

Recognized subject matter expertise, maintaining documentation, and offering expert
guidance on underlying technologies, adhering to industry best practices.

Interdisciplinary Collaboration (Govern):

Skilled in interdisciplinary collaboration, seamlessly integrating efforts among
information security